There are many factors that determine one’s financial stability - living debt-free, savings, having a plan for long-term wealth, budgeting, insurance, etc. The path to financial stability is hard enough. Not everyone has the privilege to achieve it with ease.
An entrepreneur who has been working towards a stable state of finances for two years will get frustrated when the topic of money comes up. She works hard trying to maintain her business but she doesn’t get to enjoy the results of doing the work she loves. This is because of the lack of financial stability. She can’t go back to her day job because that increased her stress, caused burnout and stirred up issues like depression and fatigue.
At the end of the day, she feels the tiredness of being alone, unsupported and not enough because of the lack of support from her family, and unable to make time for the people and things she cares about.
Financial instability affects women differently than from men, where society will crucify women for choosing work over her family but will not do the same for men. The addition of societal and cultural stigma against women who put their careers ahead of their family makes it harder for women to find happiness in what they do.
It becomes all about the money. It’s commonplace for all their income to go back to the family, so they never reach the stage of financial stability they’re after.
The entrepreneur’s story sounds familiar because it is a situation that many women find themselves stuck in. Money is the driving factor that motivates people to start looking for work. While that is a healthy reason to get a job, it should not be allowed to be the only driving factor.
Some limiting beliefs around money are:
Life is horrible without money
I will be stuck in this situation (financial instability) forever
I need money to feel secureThere are many factors that determine one’s financial stability - living debt-free, savings, having a plan for long-term wealth, budgeting, insurance, etc. The path to financial stability is hard enough. Not everyone has the privilege to achieve it with ease.
An entrepreneur who has been working towards a stable state of finances for two years will get frustrated when the topic of money comes up. She works hard trying to maintain her business but she doesn’t get to enjoy the results of doing the work she loves. This is because of the lack of financial stability. She can’t go back to her day job because that increased her stress, caused burnout and stirred up issues like depression and fatigue.
At the end of the day, she feels the tiredness of being alone, unsupported and not enough because of the lack of support from her family, and unable to make time for the people and things she cares about.
Financial instability affects women differently than from men, where society will crucify women for choosing work over her family but will not do the same for men. The addition of societal and cultural stigma against women who put their careers ahead of their family makes it harder for women to find happiness in what they do.
It becomes all about the money. It’s commonplace for all their income to go back to the family, so they never reach the stage of financial stability they’re after.
The entrepreneur’s story sounds familiar because it is a situation that many women find themselves stuck in. Money is the driving factor that motivates people to start looking for work. While that is a healthy reason to get a job, it should not be allowed to be the only driving factor.
Some limiting beliefs around money are:
Life is horrible without money
I will be stuck in this situation (financial instability) forever
I need money to feel secure
I need money to feel in control
What people need to understand is that this is a limited way of thinking, where it causes fear around money and your financial future. You’ll end up stretched too thin, splitting time and attention between work and other duties and end up settling for a job that pays well but stresses you out. Your dreams are left behind as you prioritise financial stability and do not have the confidence to pursue what you love.
Factors affecting financial stability:
When you have a day job that gives you financial stability but does not makes your soul sing, you’re not really doing yourself any favours. It will help you overcome financial problems, pay off debts and in the future help you be self-employed - but the latter is a big “If” that is affected by many factors that are piled up against women.
It’s difficult to quit because societal upbringing celebrates overworking, which still results in stories and limiting beliefs about money, success and being good enough. You may know in your soul what you really want to do but the roadblocks of your ingrained beliefs spring up fear and doubt that is stubborn and tricky to move past.
Glass ceilings and cliffs, exploitation, pre-determined bias and sexual harassment are women’s enemies in the workplace. These enemies sometimes follow them home, where they face emotional and physical abuse at the hand of their families.
Their work is constantly undermined. The mindset of “Women belong in the kitchen”, is what they grow up with, what is expected of women and what they have to oppose if they want to have a life for themselves with independence and financial stability that is not tied to a man by birth, marriage, loans or any other means.

How to find financial stability doing the job you love with RTT:
Women are intelligent, worthy and very capable of doing whatever they set their minds on. Have the courage and find the freedom to have both feet in your business and make a real go of things. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When you reach out to deal with issues removing the emotional stress, you can concentrate on looking for income opportunities.
RTT can help you transform how you think about financial stability. With its help, find yourself reaching past the need to pressure yourself and start saying “I’m going to attract abundance”. Money issues are 100% mindset. You become the person who identifies with being really great with money, and because of that, you become a star earner.
Make a mood board for yourself with all the passion, goals and things to aspire towards in life. Daily affirmations will help you stay focused on what you really want to achieve. You’ll find income-opportunities by doing what you love when you shift your focus and energies towards the right things. Here is what you can and will overcome if you set your mind on it:
Financial guilt or shame for past mistakes
Inability to keep and save money
Inability to reduce debt
Overspending and under earning
Take it one step at a time to get rid of your fears of inadequacy. With the guided help of RTT-focused therapy, you can learn to look at your challenges from a wider perspective and find the solution for this within yourself.
Money is energy and when you have a good relationship with money, it determines the results you get. Abundance is always around you - in terms of opportunities and wealth. You just need to have the willingness to look out for it and take it. Rest assured that with support and strategies from RTT, you can kick your money blocks and start being financially stable by doing what you love.