
Jan 20, 20213 min

RTT - Road To Transformation

Updated: May 19, 2021

Do you want to be the best version of yourself but are stuck on where to begin? You may have made goals that you were unable to achieve, which would have started a downward spiral of negative thoughts about your self-worth.

What if you had gotten that job you wanted? What if there was more happiness in your relationships? These “What if” kinds of situations would keep playing over and over again in your head, where the emotional costs of the untapped potential would fill you up with stress, guilt and worry.

That could not have been the direction you visualised your life heading towards.

What if there was a way to transcend these self-imposed boundaries, to connect with people and give yourself the tools to remove the limiting beliefs within yourself?

Your mind responds to mental images, whether self-induced or extraneous. If worrying and other types of negative looping thoughts are the programmings that it takes up, the subconscious mind will use every means at its disposal to carry out the plan.

So, if you worry about failing your driver’s test and let anxiousness overwhelm you, then your expectations just might become a harsh reality. From that moment onwards, you have the choice to dwell in your misgivings or push yourself to move on and move forward.

Our stories are our strength, not our weakness. Rapid Transformational Therapy, RTT, is built on this basis. So, once we understand the cause of the problem, we can take the steps to resolve them.

The good news is, when negative thoughts start to fester, it activates the innate internal opposition in the mind to replace it with a new idea that moves you towards peace of mind.

Every part of you yearns to connect with your true self and learn how to thrive every single day of your life in the most authentic way possible. It is the little voice in the back of your head that tells you to “Never give up on yourself” when you want to quit smoking or nail-biting, lose weight, start a business, get overwhelmed with anger, anxiety or depression, grieve the loss of a loved one or lose your job and so much more.

A few things you should always remember:

  • Have an open mind and be willing to make the efforts on your transformation path.

  • Everything is about balance. Take on the responsibility of reaching out for help when you feel negativity push past the tipping point.

  • There is power in the choices you make.

  • A little compromise with your inner self will go a long way.

  • You are in charge of your story - your life - so don’t hesitate to take charge.

With a little mental push in the right direction, you’ll find yourself coming away with freedom and empowerment that will make you feel unstoppable!

It is your past experiences, habits and beliefs that create patterns in the mind. These patterns dictate our attitudes, actions and reactions. Nearly 95% of who you are is subconscious. When only 5% of who you are is explored in traditional talk therapy, wouldn’t you want to fully explore the 95% of you as well?

RTT will equip you with the tools to fully explore your inner self at its core, setting you up with the motivation to build the life you want to create. Nourish your inner self with the repetition of what’s been planted in the subconscious mind and trust that the emotions will one day become reality.

Just as a baby will cling on to a sofa or continually fall and repeatedly get up again when learning to walk, the subconscious mind needs the repetition of an affirmation or positive thoughts for the feeling to linger.

The mind will work in wondrous ways to support you - the longer that the belief is held, the more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking.

Thus, it reinforces the belief that you have all the power you’ll need to take control of your transformation. With this, you can learn to walk the path of life without pain.

With Aruna Kalaiselvi Therapy, we can help you realise the boundless power within to transform you, your life, and your relationships. Through RTT, the different healing possibilities are endless. From the little pet peeves to major trauma, find the peace you seek within yourself.